Russia’s Kalashnikov Corporation announces record sales

Russia’s Kalashnikov Corporation announces record sales

Seven months into the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian Kalashnikov Corporation reported sales of their illustrious assault rifle that were nearly two decades high.
Alan Lushnikov, the company’s president, declared in Izhevsk on Thursday that sales of the Kalashnikov rifle had risen by 40%. For the most common weaponry sales in the globe, he did not give precise numbers.

He emphasised that the Russian army is the top priority, adding that “ensuring the country’s military capacity, especially in the current conditions, is the mission that all the company’s departments focus on doing without fail.”
Lushnikov claims that the rise in sales is also a result of exports.
This year, he said, “Our production capabilities are being employed extensively.”

India, for instance, will receive 70,000 AK-103 Kalashnikov assault rifles, according to earlier reports.
According to the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport, more than 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles of various variants are currently sold overseas annually.
The most popular automatic weapon in use today is the Kalashnikov (AK), and versions are produced without Russian approval. .

Kalashnikov Corporation of Russia reports record sales

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