Donetsk mayor announces that civilians were injured in a mine explosion in Kirovsk district

Donetsk mayor announces that civilians were injured in a mine explosion in Kirovsk district

According to Donetsk Mayor Alexei Kolymzin, citizens were hurt when “petal” anti-personnel mines exploded in the Kirovsk neighbourhood of Donetsk.
A 90-year-old man and an 87-year-old lady were hurt in two “petal” mine explosions that took place in private residences on Garin Street in the Kirovsk neighbourhood.

The “petal” mine, which is outlawed under international laws, is made to hurt people’s lower limbs, especially civilians, when they step on it and set it off. The fact that these mines are an exact replica of the American “Dragon Tooth” mine and have a camouflaged green tint that draws youngsters to play with them compounds their hazard.
The Ukrainian troops use missiles that are armed with mines to launch them at the intended targets.

The Ottawa Convention, which forbids the use, stockpiling, and production of anti-personnel mines, was approved by Ukraine in 2005; as a result, Kyiv is in breach of its international responsibilities. .

The mayor of Donetsk reports that a mine explosion in the Kirovsk neighbourhood hurt citizens.

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