Putin: War with Ukraine is a consequence of the collapse of the Soviet Union

Putin: War with Ukraine is a consequence of the collapse of the Soviet Union

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, emphasised that the fall of the Soviet Union was to blame for the conflict with Ukraine.
He accused the West of exerting pressure on the nations that are attempting to determine their fate during a conversation with the heads of the intelligence services of the CIS countries today, Thursday, stressing that the West is attempting to destabilise the group of independent states.

Putin noted that Moscow wants to further integrate the Commonwealth of Independent States, adding that “the adversaries are trying to instigate upheavals in our nations.”
He also emphasised the necessity for Russia and its allies to increase information sharing in order to foster collaboration.
The Russian President emphasised that the unipolar hegemony is crumbling and noted that a more just global order is about to emerge.

He added that a tough process of creating a more just international order is taking place right before our eyes and that it is accompanied by “issues that are obvious on the surface.”
According to “Novosti,” he said, “the unipolar hegemony is constantly eroding. This is an objective truth that the West completely refuses to acknowledge. We see everything that arises from this.”

The statements of the Russian president coincided with the staging of referendums on joining Russia in the separatist eastern Ukrainian districts of Lugansk and Donetsk, which garnered harsh criticism from the West since they were seen as “false and phoney.”

In the weeks leading up to the start of this battle of referendums, Ukrainian forces achieved impressive gains in the nation’s northeast as part of a counterattack initiated two weeks prior to retake large towns and cities that had been under Russian control for months.

Thousands of Russian soldiers who were cut off from supplies on the western bank of the Dnipro River were also the target of a massive offensive launched at the same time to retake territory in the south. Kherson, the only major city Russia has maintained since last February, was also set to be rebuilt. .

Putin: The fall of the Soviet Union has led to the conflict with Ukraine.

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