Japan: Residents evacuated, flights canceled due to typhoon Hainamur approaching

Japan: Residents evacuated, flights canceled due to typhoon Hainamur approaching

On Saturday, Japanese officials ordered the evacuation of inhabitants in regions at risk of typhoon Hainamur’s approach to the southern Japanese islands of Okinawa.
Before the ferocity of the winds accompanying this typhoon worsened, Japanese officials issued orders to evacuate inhabitants of the cities of Mayakojima and Ishigaki to shelters, warning people that there was no assurance of the safety of their homes.

Japan Airlines, for its part, reported that it had cancelled 56 flights, affecting around 3,230 people, while ANA announced the cancellation of 44 flights today and 22 flights planned to fly tomorrow, Sunday.
The Japan Meteorological Agency, for its part, cautioned that the typhoon’s wind speed is around 148 kilometres per hour, and that its speed is predicted to rise during the weekend, as will the hazards connected with it.

In a same vein, the South Korean Meteorological Agency warned that typhoons might threaten Jeju Island on Monday or Tuesday, adding that this typhoon could be one of the most deadly to hit South Korea thus far.

Residents in Japan have been evacuated, and flights have been cancelled as typhoon Hainamur approaches.

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