European plan to prevent the repetition of the “Ocean Viking” crisis: What is the relationship of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya?

European plan to prevent the repetition of the “Ocean Viking” crisis: What is the relationship of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya?

Two weeks after the French -Italian crisis on the human ship, Ocean Viking, the European Internal Ministers agreed at their meeting in Brussels, on Friday, a plan of action in an effort to “not to repeat this situation. ”
The meeting, which was held in Brussels at the request of Paris, following the recent crisis with Rome around the human ship “Ocean Viking” and 234 migrants on board.

The ship eventually established in France on November 11 “exceptionally” after the Italian government led by Georgia Meloni refused to receive it.
Upon his arrival at the meeting, French Minister Gerald Darmanin repeated that France will not receive asylum seekers who arrive in Italy as long as Rome does not respect the “Law of the Seas”.

The emergency plan presented by the European opposition, on Monday, and the ministers supported by 20 procedures, is the aim of which is to enhance cooperation with countries such as Tunisia, Libya or Egypt in order to prevent departure operations from its lands, as well as intensifying the deportation of illegal immigrants.

The plan of work also provides for improving coordination and exchanging information between countries and non -governmental organizations involved in saving immigrants in the seas. The plan intends to “enhance discussions within the international maritime organization” on “guidelines for ships that carry out rescue operations at sea. ”
Darmanin said, “The southern Mediterranean countries must also open their ports” for saving migrants “that sail in their territorial waters.

For his part, European Vice President Margaretis Shinas said that the way to deal with the “Ocean Viking Ship crisis was a kind of improvisation. ” He described the meeting as “positive”, adding, “We have twenty specific measures, and an important political agreement. Everyone is committed to working not to re -repeat this type of position.

But he acknowledged that “this is not the final solution”, calling on member states to push the negotiations related to reforms in the file of immigration and resort to the European Union and who has been defeating for more than two years..

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