Granada Treaty .. How did Abu Abdullah the second hand over the last Muslims in Andalusia?

Granada Treaty .. How did Abu Abdullah the second hand over the last Muslims in Andalusia?

Today, the anniversary of the signing of the Granada surrendering treaty in Andalusia to King Ferdinand V, an international treaty that occurred between the Kingdom of Granada and the Kingdom of Castile, where King Abu Abdullah Muhammad II handed over the city to the two Catholic kingdom Al -Islami in Andalusia in its political form, and then began what was known as the Inquisition, which led to the human war.
According to a study entitled “The Delivery Treaty of Granada 897 AH / 1491AD . ..

a historical study” by the Iraqi researcher and the void of the stubborn team, the Treaty of Granada took place on November 25, 1491 AD / 21 Muharram 897 AH, and Granites granted all religious, social and economic basic rights, concluded with the signature of the two Catholic kingdoms and obtained approval The Pope, but on the ground was nothing but ink on paper and trick, the purpose of which is to ensure the city’s surrender with the shortest time and the lowest costs.

This treaty was established to a new historical stage, which was characterized by religious and racial intolerance. The Andalusians, after the fall of Granada, were persecuted in all aspects of life, and then the decision to expose them came from their country, to crown the full looting of their rights that this treaty preserved.

The treaty stipulated that Abu Abdullah present five hundred people with the company of his minister, “Ibn Kafsha”, from the sons, brothers and leaders of Granada, one day before the delivery, to be hostage to Fernando ten days, after which they return free, and that Abu Abdullah Granita leaves to the Basil, and Annan confirms that he is on the same day that The treaty signed “November 25”, and in the same place in Granada: “A secret attachment for the first treaty, which includes rights, privileges and grants given to Sultan Abi Abdullah and his individuals and his family and his entourage, and that is when he carried out his pledges, most notably, to take Abu Abdullah Heba thirty thousand pounds of Castili gold And he maintains the lands and gardens he owns, whether in Granada or skin.


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