The United States in the World Cup .. History of Literature and Art in Uncle Sam country

The United States in the World Cup .. History of Literature and Art in Uncle Sam country

Tonight will meet the United States team with its English counterpart during the World Cup in the matches of the second round of the group stage after the English team achieved a great victory over Iran with six goals for two goals and the United States tied positively with Wales.

In this context, we get to know the history of literature in the country of Uncle Sam during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, where American art and literature quoted many Europe and founded a book such as “Nathania Houthorne, Adjar Alan Bou and Henry David Thoro” a distinctive American literary voice by the mid -nineteenth century.

Also, both Mark Twain and the poet Walt Wattaman were leading figures in the second half of the century, and Emily Dickenson, who was unknown during her life, became the main poets in America, some works quoted the basic aspects and qualities of the national experience such as: Mobi Dick by Hurman Malfil and Gatsby For Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Eleven Americans won the Nobel Prize in Literature, the last of which was Tony Morrison in 1993, while William Fukner and Ernest Humingway are among the most important book of the twentieth century.

In the world, plastic art has developed the major artistic movements such as the abstract expressive of Jackson Bullock and Willim de Konng, the art of pop to Andy Warhol and Roy Lesteinstein to a large extent in the United States, and brought the current and postmodernism stream of fame to American architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Philip Johnson and Frank Jerry..

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