The German State Council approves the extension of the use of 3 nuclear stations

The German State Council approves the extension of the use of 3 nuclear stations

The German State Council (Bondes) has approved the extension of the use of three nuclear energy stations, until April next year.
On Friday, the State Council refrained from inviting the mediation committee for this law, which means that it could enter into force immediately.
The German Federal Parliament (Bondstag) had already agreed to the law earlier this month.

Consequently, the nuclear power plants “ESAR 2”, “Nicarvistim 2” and “Amland” will remain in operation for another few months, to secure the supply of electricity this winter.
Germany was planning to remove its last three nuclear stations from the service at the end of the year 2022, to complete the process of abandoning it, which was launched by the former adviser Angela Merkel.

The extension of the reactors’ work comes amid a power crisis that Germany suffers from the largest economy in Europe due to the stopping of Russian gas pumping against the background of the war in Ukraine, and an extension aims to dispense with energy resources from Moscow..

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