Learn the groups most vulnerable to osteoporosis

Learn the groups most vulnerable to osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that involves osteoporosis (known as the removal of minerals from the bones), which makes it fragile and more vulnerable to fracture, and ninety percent of calcium is stored in the bones, and according to the Actiononsalt website, eating a sufficient amount of calcium is important to preserve Bones at the height of their bone mass (PBM).

Who are the most vulnerable to osteoporosis?
The elderly is more likely to develop osteoporosis because the bones become naturally thinner with the age of the age after menopause are particularly at risk of osteoporosis, due to the low female estrogen hormone, those who eat a lot of salt tend to get higher rates From removing minerals in the bones.
Studies have also shown that there is a relationship between salt consumption and the secretion of calcium in young girls and teenage girls.

This may be suggested that this may lead to a decrease in the bone mass peak, which may increase the risk of osteoporosis later on life so, it may be important to follow a diet Low salt during adolescence to reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
What causes osteoporosis?
Calcium deficiency in the diet can increase the risk of osteoporosis in men, women and children.

Women after menopause are more likely to risk osteoporosis because their estrogen levels decrease the estrogen usually bone density.

Salt is a major factor in controlling the amount of calcium in the urine and calcium lost from the bones because calcium is important for the strength of the bone, so many salt can lead to bone weakness and thus osteoporosis high blood pressure caused by a diet rich in salt can also increase the danger Osteoporosis by increasing the rate of calcium loss from the bone.

Persons with injured or at risk of osteoporosis should ensure that they maintain salt eating less than the recommended maximum, which is 6 grams that can be achieved through simple changes, such as consuming less quantities of processed food Low -salt dairy, such as milk, also in maintaining bone mass, is believed that caffeine and soft drinks reduce bone mass, and thus should be reduced to a minimum may be increased vitamin D, zinc and copper is also useful..

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