Why the joint pain increases in the winter? Know the methods of prevention

Why the joint pain increases in the winter? Know the methods of prevention

Joint pain increases in the winter, and with the start of the temperature decrease, the pain in the knee, finger and shoulder begins to increase, and there is a reason for that . . In the following lines we learn about the reasons for increasing joint pain in the winter and how to prevent them, according to the “Health” website.

With the approaching winter, joint pain becomes a regular problem, especially among the elderly, and those who suffer from inactive lifestyles and joint pain are the worst because it hinders your movement and affects your daily productivity.
What causes joint pain in the winter?
One of the main reasons for the suffering of joint pain during the winter is the lack of sun exposure that prevents the formation of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D helps maintain joints, bones and muscles, and therefore, low levels of vitamin D during the winter season is a more common cause of high feeling of discomfort in the joints.
The second cause can be a decrease in temperature in the winter due to the atmospheric pressure, which is also witnessing a significant decrease in the end leads to an enlarged cartilage and increases the pain in the joints, making it more sensitive.

As the muscles and ligaments become tight, causing non -movement in the joints due to inactivity, and the rotation of the nutritional liquids all these factors combined increases the risk of feeling uncomfortable in the joints, stiffness and limited movement, especially after rest time, as in the morning.
How to take care of your joints in the winter to relieve pain:

Keep physically active
Although it is difficult to go out to exercise in the winter, it will prevent pain in your joints and your joints will remain flexible and fresh if you exercise a lot. In addition, it enhances blood flow and helps in joint lubrication.
Before exercise, do not forget to warm your body to avoid any kind of injuries to exercise is not only useful for your joints, but will benefit your physical and mental health in general.

Keep your body warm
Winter, cold weather and low temperatures – this is the main problem that makes you suffer from joint pain during this season, so staying warm is one of the clear solutions to the problem.
Wearing many layers of warm clothes will help you stay warm and protect your joints from extreme cold if you have a fireplace, use them or try to warm your rooms with an electric heater.

Keep wet and follow a balanced diet
Burniture and muscle pain are two effects of dehydration, so you need to maintain the amount of fluids for the health of your bones and joints, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet that contains enough basic nutrients and minerals that your bones need, such as calcium and vitamin D.
You should avoid salt and sugar.
Talk to your doctor about eating nutritional supplements if you think your diet does not provide you with enough calcium and vitamin D..

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