The death toll in the Kurdish areas of Iran reached 112 people

The death toll in the Kurdish areas of Iran reached 112 people

The streets of the Kurdish cities in Iran have become a war field in recent days after the Iranian authorities sent war forces and the people were subjected to repression campaigns at a time when popular protests continue in Ganrood, Branchor, Mahabad, Sintram and other cities in the context of the demonstrations in the country on
The background of the death of the young woman, Muhsa Amini, in mid -September.

According to the “International International” website, the Iranian regime prevented the delivery of blood to the hospitals in the cities of Gannroud and Branch.

The photos and reports received from Gwanrod in Kermanshah Governorate showed intermittent shooting and raids on the homes of the people by the forces of repression, in order to arrest the protesters in this city and other Kurdish cities, on Tuesday, November 22 (November), and security measures also prevented the entrances to these cities without receipt Aid to the wounded.

Several cities in areas inhabited by the Kurds in western Iran, which include Mahabad, Jwanrod and Branch, are widespread demonstrations, often begin with the funerals of the victims of the movements.
The death toll, according to the latest statistics, amounted to 112, including 14 children and 7 women, and 6 of them died under torture. As for the Iranian security forces, 35 members of them were killed.

5,000 citizens were also arrested in Iranian prisons, which are famous for treating and torturing prisoners.
Parallel to the demonstrations continued their breadth, as they spread in 45 cities, and popular anger reached universities, which rose 27 universities.
This called the United Nations today to “stop unnecessary and unnecessary use of power”.

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