The lives of tens of millions of children are threatened for not receiving this vaccine

The lives of tens of millions of children are threatened for not receiving this vaccine

An international report published on Wednesday warned that the measles vaccination, the disease that can lead to death, is not decreased around the world since the Kofid-19, which is at risk.
“Three years ago, we have been raising the alarm about low vaccination rates and increased risks to children’s health around the world,” said Everm Tikley Le Mingau in a statement.

In turn, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Gebrisos, said that due to the Kofid-19 pandemic “the fortification programs were seriously affected. ”
“Behind every statistic in this report, there is a child who is at risk of preventing a preventive disease,” he added.

According to the joint report issued by the World Health Organization and the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the year 2021, about 40 million children missed a measles anti -measles (25 million and 14. 7 million dose).
Hence, the global coverage rate for measles has decreased in its first dose to its lowest level since 2008.

Among the countries with the largest number of non -immune children against measles Nigeria, India, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Indonesia.
“There is no time to remove it. We must work urgently to ensure the arrival of these vaccinations of life to every child. ”
According to the report, estimates indicate that the number of people with measles in 2021 amounted to nine million people, of whom 128,000 died.

Last year, the measles injuries were ravaged in 22 countries, the majority of which are in the Middle East and Africa.
In April, the Global Health Organization warned that the incidence of measles increased by 80% in the first two months of 2022 compared to the same period last year.

The measles are a very infected viral disease that is not cured, but it can be prevented with two urgent doses, and the measles cause severe fever and a skin rash, and it is contagious during a period of four days before and after the appearance of the symptoms..

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