5 reasons for gaining weight in the winter … necessary tips

5 reasons for gaining weight in the winter … necessary tips

Weight gain in the winter is a natural matter usually occurs due to factors such as low levels of activity and increased calories consumption, it can have a severe impact on your health and the quality of your life, and there are ways to maintain the health of the body throughout the year without significantly reduce calories, here are the reasons for increasing Weight in winter and how we can prevent this, according to the “NDTV” website.

Why do we gain weight in the winter?
Below are some of the most common reasons for weight gain in the winter:
1. Cold weather
Many people decide not to continue to practice their habits due to cold weather, many of them often become lazy and overcome exercise during the winter season
2. Sleep more than usual
Sometimes all you want to do is lie in bed when the cold comes and the sun begins in the sunset.

Impact on mental health
Your emotions and health may be greatly affected by the absence of sunlight during the winter, a few people suffer from seasonal emotional disorder (SAD), a type of depression, during the winter season, the morning sun was used to make up for the lack of exposure throughout the evening.

The holiday season
The winter season also coincides with the holiday season, all Christmas and others celebrations lead to excessive eating of sweets and other unhealthy foods that may also be responsible for weight gain.

Agency during the winter
According to studies, the amounts of the body of melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleeping and waking cycle and increases appetite, increases by up to 80 % in the winter, sleep disorders can increase appetite, which may lead to an increase in the consumption of calories rich in calories and increased the possibility of weight gain.

How to prevent weight gain in winter?
There are different ways through which we can prevent or reduce weight gain that we may see in the winter, here are some tips to help you:
-Watch your share, even if you indulge in sugary and fatty foods, make sure that you only consume a suitable part and do not overcome eating.
Look for an exercise companion, a companion for exercise helps you stay excited to follow the exercise routine.

Make sure to add salads to each of your meals to make sure that you consume healthy calories to burn fat with each meal.
Warm clothes covering the body in the winter to avoid cold.
Try exercising at home if the atmosphere is very cold outside..

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