Do collagen supplements help fight aging and wrinkles?

Do collagen supplements help fight aging and wrinkles?

Collagen is a basic protein in the body, but are collagen supplements really the best way to ensure its presence in the body and combat the effects of aging on the skin . . This is what we get to know in the following lines, according to the “Health” website.
What is collagen?
Collagen protein is abundant in our bodies. It is the main component from which the bone structure, muscles and ligaments are formed.

Collagen is of several types, but here are the three most common types that you should know.
The first type: This type is most collagen in our bodies. It is made of fibers packed intensively and required for teeth, bones, ligaments, skin and connective fabric.
The second type: This type is found in our flexible cartilage that provides joint support.
The third type This type is found in the structure of the arteries, organs and muscles.

With our age and sleep, our bodies begin to produce less collagen, which may lead to skin aging and wrinkles. Some lifestyle factors such as smoking or excessive sun exposure can also harm collagen production in our bodies.
While there are benefits for collagen supplements, we should be fully aware of the other side of it as well.
Facts about collagen supplements

Are all collagen supplements equal?
Few studies have said that marine collagen is better than beef collagen, but in reality, what matters most is the shape of collagen, that is, if it is in a water form or not.
Collagen molecule is a large molecule and must be divided into amino acids until it is absorbed, so the form of water is better regardless of the source.

Collagen can reverse the signs of aging
Research concluded that collagen intake improves skin elasticity, however, there was no effect on wrinkles and aging.
3. Are collagen supplements organized?
One of the biggest concerns is that collagen supplements are not subject to the control of the Food and Food Department (FDA), and manufacturers do not have to prove that they are safe or effective before they are placed on or marketing shelves.

Should collagen supplements be taken or not?
Collagen supplements are not harmful, but they may not deserve all this noise.
Our body can manufacture collagen from amino acids taken from vegetable or animal protein.
The richest source is bone soup or any meat that contains connective tissue.
The appropriate protein diet is sufficient to maintain collagen in the skin and joints.

What is the best way to produce collagen?
The best way to urge collagen production in the skin is the use of appropriate active substances instead of taking collagen powder.
Procedures such as partial laser, eradication, radio frequency and HIFU devices stimulate collagen in a more effective manner instead of oral nutritional supplements..

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