If you suffer from osteoporosis … tips to help prevent fractures

If you suffer from osteoporosis … tips to help prevent fractures

If you suffer from osteoporosis, make your priorities prevent bone fractures. Even if your doctor suggests treatment, there are a lot of things that you can do yourself to avoid accidents and maintain your bones.

Some simple modifications to the way you live can make a big difference, according to WEBMD
Exercise to improve balance and strength
Exercise reduces your chance to fall because it maintains your acute reactions and your muscles strong, which helps in consistency and reduces the possibility of being stumbling. Exercise will also improve your balance, and the fitness routine has a direct effect on the strength of your bones.

Get the right shoes
Look for low -heeled shoes that provide good support and have rubber slippers instead of leather shoes. While sports shoes are good, avoid deep -surface shoes that can cause you.

Know how medications can affect you
Some medications you take for cases other than osteoporosis may increase your chances of fractures, for example, medications that can cause dizziness or lack of coordination are:
Solvers or sleeping pills
Blood pressure medications
Muscle relaxation
Some medications for heart disease
Other medications, such as some corticosteroids, are associated with increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Keep your home well
You can help prevent fall by making sure that you get the right lighting in your home. Follow these tips:
Install upper lamps in all rooms, so as not to have to stumble in the dark to find the lamp.
Use night lamps in your bedroom, bathroom, and any corridors that reach them.
Ensure that all stairs, inside and outside, are well lit.
Keep a manual lamp next to your bed.

Treat health conditions
Some long -term medical problems can affect your strength and increase the chances of fractures, for example, arthritis can lead to difficulty movement, and vision problems may increase the possibility of stumbling..

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