British decision on the intention of Scotland is to organize a referendum for independence

British decision on the intention of Scotland is to organize a referendum for independence

The British Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that the Scottish government does not have the authority to hold a new referendum on independence without London’s approval.
The President of the Supreme Court, Robert Reed, said that the judges unanimously concluded that such a vote will have consequences for the United Kingdom unity, and thus requires approval from the central authority in London.

As a result, Scotland Prime Minister Nicolas Stergon expressed “disappointment” about the ruling, but she announced that she respects the decision of the judiciary.
“The law that does not allow Scotland to choose our future without the approval of (the UK Parliament) exposes the idea that the UK represents a voluntary partnership,” said the leader of the Scottish National Party on Twitter.

In 2014, the Scots were asked to vote on secession from the United Kingdom, and the attempt failed with a margin of 55-45 %. This was supposed to be an opportunity “once in every generation” for independence, but the Scottish National Party seeking independence has spent years since then mobilizing “support for referendum”, says William Marx, from the “NBR” website.

The popularity of the Scottish National Party calling for independence and ruler has increased since 2007 in Scotland after “Brexit”, as this British boycott voted 62 percent for the benefit of staying within the European Union.
The Scottish government seeks to be able to create its legal framework to organize another referendum, on the pretext that “the right to self -determination is a basis and inappropriate right.

But the British government says that Scotland cannot move unilaterally on a matter related to the constitutional composition of the entire United Kingdom, as the London government dominates.
To overcome this, the National Party of the National Party seeks to conduct a “advisory referendum” for the extent of support for Scottish independence without an immediate change..

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