The killing and injury of 17 people, including 8 civilians, in two terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso

The killing and injury of 17 people, including 8 civilians, in two terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso

At least 17 people were killed and wounded, including eight civilians who support the army, in northern Burkina Faso in two separate attacks launched by jihadist armed men, according to security and local sources.
A security source told AFP that “armed men attacked the village of Safi (central north) in the early hours of Monday morning. The attack targeted the defense volunteers of the homeland who lost eight of their members.

He added that the attack also resulted in the injury of other members.
A local source confirmed the attack, noting that the outcome is “7 dead and 10 wounded, in addition to severe material damage. ”
The security source added, “Also on Monday, the militants of six civilians were killed near Marcoy (northeast) and looted cars and other properties,” the security source added.

In contact with Agence France-Presse, a resident of the area reported that “the terrorists kidnapped three young men on the Salemous-Marci road, and then were found dead in the jungle during the day of Monday. ”
He added that “the terrorists looted a number of people who stopped them on the road and robbed them of their cars. ”
Since 2015, Burkina Faso has witnessed repeated jihadist attacks that have resulted in thousands of deaths and deserted about two million people from their homes.

These attacks have multiplied in recent months, especially in the north and east of the country.
Ibrahim Traore, who arrived in power after Lieutenant, Colonel Paul Henry Sandago Damyba, overthrew a coup on September 30, and the Constitutional Council pledged him as head of the transitional stage on October 21, “the restoration of the terrorist legions occupied. ”
It is the second coup in Burkina Faso in eight months due to the security situation.

On January 24, military, led by President Rock Mark Christian Kapuri, toppled him after accusing him of being unable to face the jihadist attacks that intensified in Burkina Faso.
On Wednesday, the new authority launched a campaign to recruit 50,000 volunteers to support the army in confronting the jihadists..

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