Symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment … everything about the respiratory virus

Symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment … everything about the respiratory virus

What are the causes, symptoms and methods of protecting the child from the Psychological Created virus? A question is in the minds of mothers. “Medline Plus” provided all the information related to this Mixed respiratory virus, including:
-The period of custody of the RSV is two days, and lasts for 6 days.
And about the symptoms of the following synthetic respiratory virus:
– A runny nose in most cases.
High body temperature.
Pain in the body.
– Anorexia.
– lethargy.

The treatment of respiratory virus, the report indicated that it depends only on anti -heat and analgesics.
Tips to protect the child when developing the following respiratory virus:
– The child’s eternity for complete rest.
Providing healthy foods for the child in his daily meals, and are rich in vitamins and nutrients important to strengthen immunity.
– Maintaining home ventilation, especially the child’s room.
Preventing the child from going to school.

Encouraging the child to drink warm drinks such as anise and mint.
Many believe that this virus can be treated with antibiotics, but the fact of the matter is that this type of treatment is only dependent on bacteria.
– Methods of preventing the respiratory virus presented by the report, as it is the following:
Washing hands constantly.
– Cleaning surfaces.
Wearing the muzzle.
Maintaining social spacing when dealing with others.

Follow the rules of coughing and sneezing, as the mouth and nose position in the inner part of the elbow take into account, to prevent the spread of spray in the air.
Avoid patients.
– Cleaning children’s tools and tools.
Good ventilation of the home and seasons..

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