Belgian parliament member Daraya, I can tell now: The Iranian regime is a criminal and kills children

Belgian parliament member Daraya, I can tell now: The Iranian regime is a criminal and kills children

The Belgian parliament member Daraya said to my news now that the Iranian people have been demonstrating for more than two months in the streets and not only demanding their basic rights, but now he is demanding the change of the system, because they are convinced that under this system it will never get what they want.

She added that the Iranian people are now fighting against the regime of the mullahs and the verses of God who have ruled Iran for more than 40 years, and they want to liberate their country to be a friend of the world to the world instead of a terrorist regime.
I explained that the people want a system that will be in the future a democratic country and a very good country in the whole world for a friend and an ally of the world.
It is not a system that kills children.

The deputy in the Belgian parliament confirmed that it will reach its campaign and its work in the Belgian parliament and the European Parliament to show the world that this regime and the Revolutionary Guards have many military plots and have activities outside the border, such as the popular crowd in Iraq. Qasim Soleimani was the leader of this army and launched several attacks and operations in the whole world against NATO, And against the Western countries.

She added that the Revolutionary Guards use the popular crowd in Iraq, Fatimon and Zinbion in Afghanistan and Pakistan to carry out its operations
Also, the Iranian regime is supporting other groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and it has been funded by the Iranian regime . . The bottom line is a terrorist group that kills innocent people in the whole world.
All of those who were killed in Syria, those wars in Iraq, and suffering in the Middle East are caused by the Revolutionary Guards.

I called it that it would continue to work and pressure to expose the Revolutionary Guards and its crimes in the Belgian Parliament and in the European Parliament because the Revolutionary Guards belong to the terrorist list in the European Union..

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