Voltaire on his birthday .. Why is all this glory?

Voltaire on his birthday .. Why is all this glory?

A French writer did not receive the attention of Voltaire about his person, his opinions and attitudes, especially since the era in which he was born was a volatile era in his country, France, where he was born in Paris in 1694, specifically on November 21, and he was a prolific writer who wrote works in almost all literary forms; He wrote the plays, poetry, novels, articles, historical and scientific works and more than twenty thousand speeches, as well as more than two thousand books and publications, one of its most famous effects: “philosophical messages” (1734), and “Zadig” or “Sadiq” (1747) and he transferred it to Arabic Taha Hussein, under the name “Al -Qadr”, and “Candid” (or the naive) (1759), and “Philosophical Dictionary” (1764).

Voltaire entered into problems with his country’s government since his age because of his enthusiastic attack on the government and the Catholic Church, and this led to his imprisonment and exile for many times, and in 1717, the beginning of the twenties of Voltaire participated in what was known historically as a Tishlamari conspiracy.

On the pretext of writing some alphabetical poems about aristocracy, of which he was subjected to the guardian of the throne, Voltaire was sentenced to prison in the Pastille for a period of eleven months, and during his prison period in the pastel, he wrote his first theatrical works Oedipus, which was the first pillars of his literary fame.
After leaving the prison, he took the name of Voltaire, and he was not his name in which he was born.

Voltaire denied to England for two years because of his insulting one of the nobles, and was influenced by the British, royal constitutional system compared to the absolute royal French system, as well as the state’s support for freedom of expression of opinion and freedom of belief, as well, Voltaire was influenced by many of his era of his time who belong to the modern classic school, and increased his interest in English literature The oldest age, especially Shakespeare’s works that have not received a great deal of fame in Europe at the time, and despite his declaration of his difference with the rules of the modern classic school, Voltaire saw that Shakespeare is considered one of the models that the French writers should follow.

The most remaining works in the memory of the history of Voltaire are his short novel “Candid”, which he wrote in 1759 with the aim of sarcastically criticizing the philosophy of optimism.

The novel was the subject of objection to the censorship of publications, so Voltaire claimed that the true author of the story is Captain Demad, an alleged brother of Voltaire in a letter he sent to Journal Encyclopedique in which he reaffirmed the dialectical mental situations mentioned in the text he wrote..

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