Even in the winter .. you need to drink 8-10 cups of water

Even in the winter .. you need to drink 8-10 cups of water

Water is a very important element in the human body. Our body consists of 70 % of water and requires moisture for all vital elements to work well. The body uses water in all its cells and organs and its tissues to regulate and maintain all the functions of the body.
In the summer months, the body loses a lot of water in sweat, digestion and urination and thus its renewal is very important. Health experts recommend drinking 8-10 cups of water every day to prevent drying.

What happens when the body gets dehydrated?
Drought is the main cause of fatigue, fatigue and many chronic diseases, regardless of the risk of diseases, it also leads to loss of strength and endurance and can threaten life.
According to NHS, dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than you eat, when the natural water content decreases in your body, it violates the balance of minerals such as sugar and salts in your body, which affects the way it works.

Some early warning signs include the following:
Feeling thirsty
Extreme fatigue
The presence of a dark urine and its smell is strong
Urinating often less than usual
What happens in the winter?
As cold months approach, we sweat less and the air surrounding us becomes more dry, our bodies receive less moisture than the atmosphere while fluid consumption decreases compared to the summer.

Since we do not feel thirsty in the winter, health experts say that the tendency to dehydration is much more.
What is the amount of water that you should drink in the winter?
Experts believe that it is not necessary to drink several cups of water, as you cannot fill yourself with water and you end up feeling sick, take small sips throughout the day to make sure that your body is humid enough.

Also, the body can be moistened with different means of different means such as hot tea and soups that also provide adequate nutrition for the body, experts say at least four cups of green tea or two soups are good moisturizing factors.

Some important tips for staying wet all day include:
Drink vessels full of seasonal vegetables and meat soup to stay wet in the winter, the soup contains a lot of water with proteins and vitamins and thus can help you stay wet, add vegetables such as spinach, carrots and beans to the mixture to enhance nutrition.
Start your day with warm water filled with honey and lemon every day.

It helps to moisturize as well as useful in maintaining the immune system enhanced and organized, both honey and lemon helps the body fight influenza and other infections.
Drink green tea in a variety of flavors that provide moisture as well as antioxidants that keep free radicals away.
Include water and vegetables that contain water in your diet, which are natural sources of water, they will help you to maintain your moisture and health..

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