The Jordanian monarch emphasizes the importance of strengthening relations and tripartite cooperation between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq

The Jordanian monarch emphasizes the importance of strengthening relations and tripartite cooperation between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq

The Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, affirmed Jordan’s keenness to strengthen triple relations and cooperation between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq.
This came during the discussions of the Jordanian monarch, with the Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shi’a Al -Sudani today, Monday, in the presence of Prince Al -Hussein bin Abdullah II, Crown Prince.

The talks, held at the Basman Al -Zahir Palace, dealt with brotherly relations between the two countries, and mechanisms for enhancing economic cooperation and completing joint projects between them.
King Abdullah II expressed, during bilateral talks followed by an expanded, his wishes for the Iraqi Prime Minister to succeed in his duties, stressing his pride in the level of strong brotherly relations that bring together the two countries and the two brotherly peoples.

The two sides stressed the emphasis on Jordan and Iraq’s keenness to enhance cooperation at all levels, especially political and economic, and to build on what has been completed in joint projects.
The Jordanian monarch also stressed the importance of continuing cooperation between the two countries and the three with Egypt, as a model for integration in the region.

It was emphasized on the need to continue coordination and consultation between Jordan and Iraq regarding various issues of common concern, in order to achieve their interests and serve Arab issues.
King Abdullah II pointed out the importance of Iraq’s role in its Arab environment and the region, stressing that the security of Iraq is a basic pillar of the region’s security and stability.

The talks touched on the issues of the region, its crises, and the Palestinian issue, in addition to the efforts made in the war on terrorism, within a holistic approach.
For his part, the Sudanese affirmed Iraq’s keenness to sustain the distinguished relations with Jordan, stressing the continuation of joint cooperation in various fields in the interest of the two brotherly peoples, and in a way that is reflected in the security, stability and prosperity of the region.

The talks were attended by Jordanian Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Al -Khasawneh, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Ayman Al -Safadi, and the director of the King’s Office, Dr. Jaafar Hassan.
It was also attended by the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Fouad Hussein, Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Dr. Ihsan Al -Awadi, and the Governor of Anbar, Dr. Ali Al -Dulaimi..

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