What causes mental disorders in children?

What causes mental disorders in children?

The exact cause of most mental disorders in children is unknown, but research indicates that a group of factors, including inheritance, biology, trauma, and environmental pressure, may be included in these reasons, according to what was published by WebMD.

There are several different types of mental disorders that can affect children and adolescents, including:
Anxiety disorders: Children with anxiety disorders respond to certain things or situations with fear and awe, as well as physical signs of anxiety (nervous), such as the speed of heartbeat and sweating.

ADHD disorder: Children with hyperactivity and attention deficit in general suffer from attention or focus problems, and they do not seem to follow directions, and they feel bored and easily frustrated with tasks. They also tend to move constantly and be impulsive (don’t think before they act).
Simid behavior disorders: Children with these disorders tend to challenge the rules and often cause disorder in organized environments, such as school.

Growth disorders: Children with these disorders are confused about their thinking and have general problems in understanding the world around them.
Eating disorders: Eating disorders involve severe feelings and situations, as well as unusual behaviors associated with weight and / or food.
Directing disorders: disorders that affect the behavior associated with the use of the bathroom. Involuntary urination, or urination in bed, is the most common output disorders.

Learning and communication disorders: Children with these disorders suffer from problems in storing and processing information, as well as linking their ideas and ideas.
Emotional disorders (mood): These disorders include a constant feeling of sadness and rapid change in mood, including depression and bipolar disorder.

The latest diagnosis is called the disorder of the subversive mood disorder, which is the state of childhood and adolescence that involves chronic or continuous irritation and repeated anger attacks.
Schizophrenia: This disorder includes distorted perceptions and ideas.
Ingredition disorders: These disorders cause a person to perform frequent, sudden and involuntary performance (it is not intended), and in many cases, meaningless movements and sounds, called involuntary cramps..

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