The Book Authority tops the eleventh and twelfth parts of the theater encyclopedia

The Book Authority tops the eleventh and twelfth parts of the theater encyclopedia

The Egyptian General Book Authority, headed by Dr. Ahmed Bahi El -Din Al -Asasi, issued the eleventh parts, and the twelfth of the “Egyptian Theater Encyclopedia” by Dr. Amr Dawara.

This encyclopedia includes approximately five thousand and five hundred theatrical performances, which are the sum of professional performances, which have been produced since the beginning of the Egyptian theater in 1870 “Jacob Sanoua” until the end of 2015, and what is meant by the performances of professional teams is all those shows that a group of artists participated in.

Professionals, members of the Representative Professions Syndicate, and were presented to the public in exchange for a box office, whether it was displayed in the capital or some regions, as well State theaters since the establishment of the National Theater Division in 1935.

The encyclopedia also includes the data for each offer, which includes the name of the show and the productive band, the date of production, and the names of all the creators participating in its presentation of the author – the director – the designer of the decoration – the composer, author or music prepaid – and the show stars, in addition to three photographs for each display And in the event that it is not possible to obtain photographs, especially during the first period The borders – the use of some cinematic photos, which recorded the features and works of some of the theater stars, whose theatrical photos missed us.

This encyclopedia is calculated for its storming of unknown areas of our theatrical life, monitoring, and documenting its performances for the first time, and an example of this is “theaters of the halls” in the mid -thirties and forties of the last century, which presented more than three hundred and fifty play, participated in presented by the great book (Bayram Al -Tunisi, Amin Sidqi, Badi Khairi, Abu Al -Saud Al -Abyari), and directed by the senior directors (Aziz Eid, Bushra, Wakim and Abdel Aziz Khalil), and he also participated in the representation of a group of senior stars, in the forefront of which are (Ali Al -Kassar, Fatima Rushdi, Badia Misbani, Fathia Ahmed, Ratiba, And Rushdi, Baba Ezz El -Din Fahmy, Aman Abdel Halim Al -Qalawi, Ismail Yass, Tahia Carioca), of course, with the exclusion of funny classes, sketches or lyrical and show paintings, which cannot be classified under the name of dramas.

The encyclopedia included the offers of some unknown teams, which were established by some stars, and some made one or five shows at the most..

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