All you want to know about Chinese acupuncture

All you want to know about Chinese acupuncture

This old treatment has a modern science to support it, so the practice of both acupuncture or treatment is due to ancient times, and it was used in Chinese medicine. They noticed a number of tattoos on his body, which was remarkably close to the acupuncture score points.

How does acupuncture work and treat it?
One of the wonderful features of acupuncture and treatment is that the twenty -first century science cannot fully explain them, and explain how acupuncture works in two separate way In New York City, traditional Chinese medicine looks at acupuncture mechanisms from the perspective of length lines, a network of energy paths that fall inside the body, and when this flow energy is slowed or prevented, a phenomenon is referred to as “stagnation”, which is referred to in Western terms in the name of pain, “says, stimulating certain points with needles or pressure to restore the flow through these tracks, according to” Thehealthy “.

But Western medicine approaches acupuncture from a scientific point of view, and by introducing a needle into the human body, regardless of depth and the immune system realizes in our bodies that it is a small threat or shock, and in return, the immune system sends our red blood cells to bring nutrients and oxygen to The area, white blood cells to fight potential microbes, and fibroids to fix any material damage, and the insertion of needles motivate the muscles to contract and then relax in a soothing way.

Finally, it is known that acupuncture needles stimulate the secretion of endorphins that relieve pain and other neurotransmitters in the brain.
On the other hand, pressure treatment includes adding pressure to certain points of the body, says Batner, adding that the use of needles remains the most effective way to stimulate healing. Here’s how to find the treatment points with the needle in your body..

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