Study: Corona recovered more vulnerable to epileptic seizures after 6 months of healing

Study: Corona recovered more vulnerable to epileptic seizures after 6 months of healing

A new study published in Neurology revealed that people with Corona virus are more likely to have epilepsy seizures during the next six months after recovering from the Corona virus, compared to people with influenza infection, according to the “Times of India” website.

The researchers also found that this increased risk was more noticeable in children than adults, and it was also found that people who did not need hospitalization due to Corona infection were more likely to develop epilepsy after the coronary virus.
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a nervous disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, which leads to episodes or periods of unusual behavior and sometimes loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy seizures are caused by excessive electrical discharge in a group of brain cells.
About study
Researchers in the health record network of people with Corona were considered and they were identical with people who were diagnosed with influenza during the same time period and were also similar in factors such as age, sex, medical conditions, etc. There were a total of 152,754 people in both the Corona and influenza groups.

It should be noted that none of the participants have been diagnosed before as having epilepsy or repeated seizures.
The researchers considered whether these people had epilepsy or seizures in the next six months after the coronary virus.
The study revealed that those who had a 55 % more vulnerable to epilepsy or seizures during the next six months, compared to those who had influenza.
The rate of epilepsy or new seizures was also higher in people with Corona by 0.

94 % on the other hand, was 0. 60 % in people with influenza..

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