4 ways to eat yogurt to lose weight … including adding bananas and nuts

4 ways to eat yogurt to lose weight … including adding bananas and nuts

Yogurt is a daily healthy eating habits and this nutritional treatment is also an excellent source of calcium and protein, as yogurt is a great choice to enjoy it if you are looking to lose weight, and yogurt can be a great food to include it in a diet that supports weight loss, it contains a high protein Quality, depending on the type you choose, it can also contain some saturated fats and helps in supporting the healthy and varied microbiota, and this in turn may help support weight loss goals, according to the “Eatthis” website.

What are the benefits of yogurt for weight loss?
Research links yogurt consumption and reduce or improve body weight, a study conducted by the University of Tennessee revealed that the participants who took three shares of fat -free yogurt on a daily basis – within a low -calorie diet – decreased by 61 % of the fat and 22 % of body weight Compared to individuals who reduced their eating calories.

People who consumed yogurt also witnessed a massive decrease by 81 % in the belly fat compared to the calorie reduction group, according to WebMD.

1 Get the yogurt with a slightly immature banana
If you are a banana lover, this suits you, then a little immature bananas is a strong source of biological fibers, that prebiotics feeds probiotics, including probiotics that may be found in your yogurt, eating them together can support the healthy intestine microbiota, which may support efforts Weight loss.

2 Put a handful of nuts on the yogurt
The walnut is full of saturated nutrients, including protein, fiber and healthy fats, can help you insert the nuts in the yogurt to feel full for a longer period, and it is possible that it will help you eat less after eating yogurt and help you lose weight.
3 Consider the size of your share
Eating a lot of high -sugar and high -fat yogurt in one part can actually harm your waist.

Be aware of a part when you enjoy this delicious light meal so that you do not harm your progress.
4 Add fresh fruits to sweetening
Similar to the yogurt with fresh fruits and get rid of additive sources of sugar. Choose fruit to get added sweetness instead of these sweeteners can help maintain blood sugar under control, thanks to the fibers in these foods, which may support weight loss targets..

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