Study: Exercise helps in combating colon cancer

Study: Exercise helps in combating colon cancer

A new study revealed that obtaining a regular schedule for moderate physical activity may help in combating colon cancer and extending the age of people with it, according to the “Health” website.
The results showed that the exercise is useful even for cancer patients with obesity, as it reduces inflammation and improves bacterial societies in the intestine microbiome.

“Inflammation is an essential process that leads to colon and rectal cancer and high body mass index causes inflammation throughout the body,” the author, Cornelia Ulrich, the CEO, Executive Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Huntsman Institute of Cancer in the United States of America.
“Obesity is about to become the first cause of cancer in the United States,” Ulrich said in a press release of the institute.

“It is important to understand that moderate exercises can help colon and rectal cancer patients reduce infections, improve the health of their intestines, and live for a longer period – even if they suffer from weight gain or obesity,” she added.
The study was conducted as part of a Colocare study of newly diagnosed colon cancer patients.

Researchers in Germany, as well as the US state of Utah, evaluated stool samples of 179 patients with colon cancer in the stages from 1 to 4 registered between October 2010 and March 2018.
They found that high levels of physical activity were associated with a greater diversity in the intestine microbium, which is an indication of intestinal health and the results were published in the American magazine for cancer research.

“The active patient has a more varied microbium and a lower abundance of bacteria reinforcing colon and rectal cancer, and higher amounts of bacteria that protect against colon and rectum cancer,” said the participating author Caroline Hembert.
She explained in the statement: “Our study indicates that no one needs to be a athlete to obtain benefits that can be easy activities, just to stay very active.

The study cannot prove that exercise will prevent colon cancer, but researchers said that future studies should evaluate the different effects of influence according to the type of exercise, its intensity and the formation of the body.
The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend adults with 150 minutes of moderate exercises per week..

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