From Kyiv Rishi Sonak confirms that Britain will remain on the side of Ukraine

From Kyiv Rishi Sonak confirms that Britain will remain on the side of Ukraine

British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak, who arrived on Saturday, on a surprise visit to Kev, said that Britain will continue to support Kyiv in its war with Russia “until peace is achieved. ”
“Today, I am here to say that the United Kingdom will continue your support. We will stand next to you until Ukraine will achieve the peace and security it needs and deserves,” he said in front of President Folodimir Zellinski in a video posted by the Ukrainian presidency.

“Today I am here to say that the United Kingdom will continue your support. We will stand beside you until Ukraine achieves the peace and security that it needs and deserves,” Sonak told President Zellinski in a video posted by the Ukrainian presidency.
“The courage of the Ukrainian people is an inspiration for the world,” he added.

“We will tell our grandchildren of your story, how a proud and sovereign people stood up in the face of a terrible attack, how you fought, how you sacrificed and how you won,” Sonak continued.
In London, Downing Street announced that Sonak went to Kyiv on Saturday with the aim of “confirming” UK’s support for Ukraine.

“The Prime Minister is present today in Ukraine on his first visit to Kiev to meet President (Voludmir Zellinski) and confirm the continuous support of the UK,” the Prime Minister said.
Sonak also tweeted that Britain “learned what the meaning of fighting for freedom is always with you. ”
Ukrainian President Floudimir Zellinski said he met British Prime Minister Risrche Sonak in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

New British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak arrived in Ukraine on his first visit since he took office, according to Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski on Saturday.
“From the first days of the war, Ukraine and the United Kingdom were the strongest allies,” Zillinski wrote on Telegram. “During today’s meeting, we discussed the most important issues for both countries and global security.

During the G20 summit earlier this month, Rishi Sonak urged Russia to “exit from Ukraine” and condemn its “barbaric” invasion.
The British Prime Minister said at a meeting attended by Russian Foreign Secretary Sergey Lavrov that Britain “will support Ukraine as long as it is required. ”
Sonak criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for not attending the summit held in Indonesia.
He added: “If he came, we may have started to settle matters. “.

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