Forgiving Sukuk .. Urbanus’s second invention in order to justify his military campaign on the east

Forgiving Sukuk .. Urbanus’s second invention in order to justify his military campaign on the east

On November 19, 1095, Pope Urbanus II called on the Clairemont Council to convene to discuss sending a campaign to the Holy Land, and that was the beginning of the launch of the Crusades and the beginning of the real conflict between the West and the East, and the long Crusades that lasted to advanced eras.

“Urbanus II” sparked the spark of the Crusades by launching the first Crusader campaign (1095 AD – 1099 AD), where he met the strongest princes of France and speeches in them an incitement to Muslims in the east and declared the launch of the Crusades “to liberate the Christian churches in the east and in the Holy Land from the infidels and the pagans” without mentioning the name Muslims, claiming to prejudice the grave of Christ, peace be upon him.

Pope Urbanus II was not only satisfied with bloodshed, igniting the spark of war between the West and the East under the banner of Christ and protecting religion, but the man also invented the instruments of forgiveness and entering Heaven, in order to spread enthusiasm in the hearts of the poor, to participate in the Holy War as he used to call it, so that that was that History also marks the start of the so -called “forgiveness instruments”.

According to the book “The doctrine of salvation with faith and works in the light of the Bible”, the Catholic Church issued the instruments of forgiveness in the tenth century, based on the Rats Council Council in the year 934 AD, so most Catholics accepted its purchase, regardless of the atonement of Christ or the spiritual state of those who buy the sukuk, but that The sukuk did not appear in its comprehensive form except when the Crusades rose, when Pope Urban issued a comprehensive forgiveness for all those who go out to this war motivated by the desire to serve Christianity, and thus within eternal life, according to Urbanos claim, for all workers in this war some of the consideration of their spiritual life.

The book “The International Chaos . . From the Imperial Persians to Secret Organizations” in that “mentioned above”, Pope Urbanus pledged the second forgiveness of all the sins of all the participants in the holy campaigns. “The land of Canaan is overflowing with milk and honey.

” With this infallible sermon, the Apostolic Chair in Rome laid the foundation stone for the nucleus of colonial projects for the East, and the hungry crowds were launched with hundreds of thousands and dreamed of what awaits it from worldly bliss and the other after eliminating the entertaining.
And Dr.

Sami Abdullah Al -Mughalmouth, in his book “The Atlas of the Crusades on the Islamic East in the Middle Ages” indicates that Pope Urbanus II in his sermon on that night, the warriors promised to forgive all their sins, and the listeners in Hamas shouted, “This is the will of God . . . God wants it. ” And they carried the watch of the cross and directed to the east of the Islamic..

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