The legend of the apple in ancient civilizations .. The fruit of eternity in Norway is the cause of the Trojan war

The legend of the apple in ancient civilizations .. The fruit of eternity in Norway is the cause of the Trojan war

Apples are one of the most famous types of fruits in old myths, and the apple was “in the story of Adam and Eve a symbol of knowledge, eternity, temptation, a man in sin and a symbol of the same sin”, while the apple is still a symbol of beauty, peace and youth in China.

Today, the 715th anniversary of William Tell injured the apple from the head of his son, according to the famous Swiss legend, and the biography of “Tail” remembers that he is a Swiss popular hero, which is part of the tales of Switzerland’s independence from the Austrian Empire.
The truth is that apples are a legend with distinction, as the stories of golden apples filled many ancient myths and were a reason for wars and rivalries, and among the most prominent of these myths ..

An apple of war of a war
Hera, Athens and Aphrodite were invited to the wedding of Theets and Iris (the goddess of conflict) was not called to him, so she got angry and decided to broadcast the division and the conflict between the three gods, and put a golden apple that was written on it (for the most beautiful), so that the three gods differ about the most beautiful of them.

To solve the conflict, Zeus decided to resort to the arbitration of the most beautiful people of men, and this man was Paris, the son of the King of Troy. To influence his decision, Hera seduced him with power, and Athens promised him wisdom and glory, and Aphrodite told him that she would be ahead of the most beautiful women of the earth, so he preferred the latter and gave her the apple to get angry with that other Lord.

Aphrodite achieved her promise to Paris, took him to Trojan again, and presented him to his family who rejoiced in his return as a prince. And her debt died, sending him to Esparta, so she took advantage of the absence of her king, Munilah, and his wife Helen, who exceeded all the women of the world, took advantage of her, and fled her to Trojan. The gods were divided, some of them assisted the Greeks and supported others, and it was the famous battle.

It was mentioned in the ancient Norwegian myths, the mention of gold apples, which gives immortality and the gods enables to preserve their youth and eternal life, as the origin of this legend is due to the goddess of spring “Idon”, which was guarding the golden apple groves, and one time the fruits were stolen after one of the enemies deceived them; The gods began to increase aging and their strength was shed, but in the end the gods gathered the remaining strength and fought a battle with their enemies; They managed to recover the fruits of apples and restore their youth and their strength.


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