Nervous anorexia … causes of eating disorders and their symptoms

Nervous anorexia … causes of eating disorders and their symptoms

Nervous anorexia is a fatal eating disorder characterized by an abnormal decrease in body mass, severe fear of weight gain, and a distorted look of the body’s mass. Or shape.

According to the “Onlymyhealth” website, anorexia is characterized by severe food and lack of nutrition, which leads to a significant and continuous weight loss, as it is characterized by a strong desire to lose weight and refuse to eat healthy amounts of food according to the type of body and the level of activity, depends on restricting energy consumption in It relates to the requirements, which leads to a significant decrease in body weight, within the determination of age, sex, growth path and physical health.

People with nervous appetite loss avoid eating, severe eating, or consume a little food in very small quantities.
Types of eating disorders include nervous anorexia, nervous vocal, disorder of food, disorder of avoiding restricted food, other specific eating disorders, bic disorders, and rumination disorders.
Individuals with this disorder have symptoms similar to pathological delicacy or sub -types of eating voraciously from loss of appetite.

Eating disorders can cause reverse effects on teeth health, especially among individuals with pathological evil or sub -type of disinfection.
Causes of eating disorders
The exact causes of eating disorders are not fully understood, but studies show that a group of genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological and social factors can increase the risk of an individual infection.

For individuals with eating disorders, unhealthy relationships with food and body image may lead to great social, emotional and physical problems. Some of these complications may also result from unhealthy eating patterns – a frequent diet, for example. In addition, they can engage in excessive eating and disinfection behaviors (such as vomiting, using laxatives, urine, etc. ).

However, unlike individuals with nervous evil, individuals who suffer from eating disorder are not routinely involved in compensatory behaviors to get rid of their food. Either by vomiting, hunger, physical exertion, or misleading misuse.
Eating disorders may occur at any stage of life, but they usually occur in adolescence or young people.

People who suffer from eating disorders, especially those who live with them for a long period of time, need to support a mental health professional in order to adjust their nutritional relationships With the food they have developed and develop healthy ways to adapt..

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