The Filipino army is moving to fight ISIS

The Filipino army is moving to fight ISIS

The Philippine army has re -published a unit of the elite in Basilan to strengthen their security campaign, including against terrorism in the southern province of Zambuja.
After more than three years in SULU, the fifth scouting battalion, led by Lieutenant -Colonel Eugenio Bacherane, was transferred on Wednesday from the joint task force.

The military leadership in West Mindanao (Westmannankom) said in a media statement on Thursday that the transfer of the battalion to Basilan had been too late as an alternative to the 68th Infantry Battalion that was re -published in Mendoro last January 2022.
A farewell party for the Fifth Scout Battalion was held in appreciation of their invaluable service while spreading in Solo, which contributed to many heroic work of JTF – Solo.

Patmarimono expressed his gratitude for the fifth scouting battalion for their invaluable contribution to accomplishing the Solo mission.
Brigadier General. General Arturo Rojas, Acting Commander of Westminkom, called on the fifth scouting battalion soldiers to keep their stability while attempting a new trip and facing new challenges in a new operational environment.

“Rangers will fill the void left by the 68th infantry battalion in order to maintain the momentum of improving the security situation in Basilan. I urge the fifth scout battalion to be a major member of the Basilan team as they were always and they maintain the highest level of the expected soldier from Sky Rengers. ”
Bhalan and Solo are the areas of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group.

Thanks to the scouts is attributed to the killing of the leaders of the city of Marwa in 2017 by local terrorist groups allied with ISIS.
The Emir of ISIS was killed in East Asia, the leader of Abu Sayyaf Esenilon Habelon and the leader of the Mautti Omar group, near the end of the siege in October of that year.
The commando unit features high efficiency in many environments including fighting in urban areas.

The siege of Marwa, which lasted for five months, was the longest battle of the Philippines at all..

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