An emergency meeting of America and its allies after North Korea launched a ballistic missile

An emergency meeting of America and its allies after North Korea launched a ballistic missile

The leaders of the United States, South Korea, Japan and other ally countries, Friday, November 18, 2022, held an emergency meeting during an Asian summit and strongly condemned North Korea a refinable ballistic missile, and called for a unified reaction to this step.

Japanese officials said that the missile, which fell only 200 km off the coast of Japan, is able to reach the American mainland, while the deputy of the American President Kamlia Harris described during a meeting on the sidelines of the Summit of the Economic Cooperation Forum for Asia and the Pacific (APEC) in the Thai capital Bangkok, the launch process as a “flagrant violation” of many United Nations resolutions, said that North Korea’s actions destroy security in the region.

While South Korean Prime Minister Han Duk Su said that North Korea’s activities are illegal, and “will never be tolerated,” calling for the formation of a unified front, strict response, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the launch operations are “unprecedented in an unprecedented manner. ”
He also warned of the possibility that North Korea would launch more missiles.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in turn, said that the movement of North Korea must be condemned “from all regions in the world”, while his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanizi said that the firing of the missiles is “a reckless act”, and added: “We are with the world, and certainly with our allies, in the opposition position And condemnation of this work in the most possible phrases.

This comes after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, the latest in a record series of missile launch operations in recent weeks, and the missile fell, according to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishid at sea inside the Special Economic Zone of Japan, west of Hokkaido, without damage to any of the ships or aircraft.

The launch of the missile comes a day after Pyeneh Yang launched a smaller missile, and warned it of “violent military responses” to strengthening the United States its security presence in the region, according to the French News Agency..

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