A fraud paper .. a scandal from the American president at the G20 summit

A fraud paper .. a scandal from the American president at the G20 summit

US President Joe Biden seized, once again, using the “fraud paper”, this time at the G20 summit in Bali, he grabbed him of his place, and when he casts notes, and when he took pictures. Global and Investment, on Tuesday, browsing notes pages.

The printed note gave step-by-step instructions to Laiden about what to do during the meeting and referred to Biden as “You- You” in red letters, and on the other he wrote, “You and the President [Indonesian] Widodo, and Prime Minister [Japanese] Kishida, you will take a picture directly before starting the event”.
The additional instructions stipulated the following: “You will sit in the middle” and “You will make opening notes (5 minutes) ..

The event will conclude along with your host hosts. ”
At the top and bottom of the paper, a reminder message was printed with a dark line for Biden to turn the page to his opening statement.
It is mentioned that this is not the first time that Biden has been seized and he uses a “fraud paper” or “instructions paper” while participating in a public event.

During a meeting in June, Biden unintentionally showed a detailed paper written in which “I enter the Roosevelt room (in the White House) and saluted the participants. ”
In July 2021, Biden unintentionally showed a note from one of the employees alerting him to the presence of something on his chin.
Biden’s well -documented dependence on “fraud cards raised speculation among his critics that he suffers from a deterioration in his mental abilities..

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