Orders to abstract Al -Kazemi from his protection, despite the threats of his assassination

Orders to abstract Al -Kazemi from his protection, despite the threats of his assassination

BAGHDAD – The force in charge of protecting former Prime Minister Mustafa Al -Kazemi received orders to withdraw and leave its position in front of his home in the Green Zone, despite the threats of the assassination that Al -Kazemi receives from time to time.
A military source told the Iraqi Kurdish “Shafaq News” website that the force contains about a hundred, and that most of them have not yet implemented the sudden orders to leave the Al -Kazemi house, which was issued on Thursday morning.

Although a number of officials usually allow them to keep government protection regiments for years after the end of their duties, but the decision to strip Al -Kazemi from his protection comes only 3 weeks after Muhammad Shi’a Al -Sudani assumed the prime minister “which makes him in the range of many of his opponents,” according to observers.

This unexpected step comes after a period of directing the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades explicit warnings to pursue Al -Kazemi, who during his period of assuming the government to address the influence of some unbeatable militias and confiscating illegal weapons, which made him vulnerable to targeting.

The party entered into a confrontation with the outgoing government of Mustafa Al -Kazemi, especially after its defeat and the defeat of the forces loyal to Iran in the legislative elections held in 2021.
Al -Kazemi liberated the state’s agencies from the militia’s power and arrested a number of members of armed groups after carrying out attacks on the American bases, but they were released under the pressure of some political forces and under the threat.

The militias associated with Iran did not forget these measures, as in November launched an attack on Al -Kazemi’s house, with a March plane, which resulted in a number of guards wounding varying wounds. It appears to be a highly worded message to the former Prime Minister, while the security services confirmed that terrorist parties carried out the attack without Determine it.

In a statement last month, the military commander of the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Ali Military Brigades, called for the pursuit of Al -Kazemi and his team, which he described as “spies”, carrying him the killing of his founder Abu Mahdi Al -Muhandis and the Commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, Qassem Soleimani, through the law.

“The legal brothers must make double efforts to complete the legal right of Kazemi al -Ghud and his espionage team, and we have rights that must be collected, the first of which is the blood of the martyr Abi Mahdi, his companions, and the blood of our guest, the great leader Soleimani.

Despite the military leader’s talk about a legal pursuit, there are real concerns about some armed groups resorting to liquidation operations that affect Al -Kazemi and other security, military and political leaders who sought to limit as much as possible from the influence of armed groups and prevent their penetration into state apparatus and control over the crossings and border ports without achieving successes Important.

During his assumption of the prime minister, a number of close associates of Kazemi were subjected to liquidations such as Hisham Al -Hashemi, who was a well -known security analyst and government adviser, as he was assassinated in July 2020..

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