Books from “The list of 100 books that must be read” published by Time Magazine .. Pictures

Books from “The list of 100 books that must be read” published by Time Magazine .. Pictures

The American Time Magazine has released a list of one hundred books that must be read, which is the list that it issues annually and includes the most prominent books issued during the year, which cover various fields such as novels, biography and other books, and this is a set of recommended books:
Trouble Ancestor
The American writer Mood Newton presents in this book in her captivating book completely to her ancestors, as she goes into the challenge of identifying them, and the uncomfortable facts that he may reveal about our origins, and even the difficulties that accompany dealing with some family members and focus on family stories such as the grandfather who married 13 times , The mental illness that afflicted the mother’s strains – and decided to research her genealogy as an adult embodied this journey in angestor Trouble: A Reckoning and Reconcality, who presents her family’s chaotic history to ask questions that stimulate thinking about identity and the effects of trauma between generations.

Mood Newton’s book cover
Animal Joy
The American poet and psychoanist Nawar Al -Sadir presents a study on laughter in her book, which was published by Animal Joy, the book of laughter and recovery, which explores how laughter can help us communicate not only with each other, but also with the depths of ourselves as it formulates an explicit narration about the way in which the expression can be About laughter and what he says about our identity.

Animal joy book
Me- a biography
A book that deals with the biography of the famous journalist Anna Winner through the journalist’s pen, Amy Odel. A store in London before a trip to New York and a battle for ascending, regardless of who or on its way and as soon as she was crowned as editor -in -chief of a magazine in one of the most stormy shifts in the history of fashion magazines -she continued the struggle to keep her envy.
Anna’s book cover.

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