For salmon … the largest damage to the dams in the history of America

For salmon … the largest damage to the dams in the history of America

It is expected that the removal of dams will improve the health of the Choumath River, the path that the Shinok Salmon and Salon Koho, threatened with extinction from the Pacific Ocean to the spawning areas of the river, and from where small fish returns to the sea.
The US Federal Energy Regulatory Committee issued an order to waive the dams licenses and agree to remove dams.

The project has always been the target of many of the original tribes whose ancestors lived on salmon for several centuries, but their lifestyle is disrupted by European settlement and the demand to provide the countryside with electricity in the twentieth century.
“Salon of Klamath will return to the homeland.

People have achieved this victory with it and doing our holy duty towards the fish that our people have feared since the beginning of time,” Joseph James, head of the Euro -James tribe, said in a statement.
Climate and drought change also affected salmon, as the river became very warm and full of parasites, so that many fish cannot survive.

The dams built on federal lands, which provide full electric capacity, will be delivered to about 70,000 homes to the Pacific Corp Electricity Company, which is a unit of Berkshir Hathaway.
In the face of the new regulations in charge that included building barriers and ladders for fish, the company instead concluded an agreement with the tribes and the US government to turn off the dams..

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