Kazakhstan intends to increase the supply of rare ground minerals to Europe against technology

Kazakhstan intends to increase the supply of rare ground minerals to Europe against technology

Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tiluardi said that his country intends to supply rare ground minerals to European countries in exchange for obtaining modern technologies from there.
The minister stated that his country is also concerned with cooperation with the European Union in the field of primary treatment of raw materials inside Kazakhstan.
China, the world’s leading country, is considered in the field of exporting and selling rare ground minerals.

According to some data, China exports about 85 % of these minerals to the global market.
In the past decade, the United States, as well as the European Union, tried to reduce their dependence on China in this field.
It is noteworthy that rare ground minerals are of strategic importance and are used almost everywhere today: from LED TVs and magnetic paintings to materials stimulating in the oil industry and additives to prepare aluminum alloys.

It is known that obtaining the rare rare ground minerals of materials is considered a very complex technology.
Source: Sputnik.

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