Tunisian students invent smart glasses to facilitate communication for blind people

Tunisian students invent smart glasses to facilitate communication for blind people

A group of Tunisian students and academics developed smart spectacles with a wireless headset to let blind individuals communicate with their environment.
Abdel Razzaq Hachani, a Tunisian scholar and professor of higher education, stated that the idea is unique.

Its goal is to value the subjects studied by the student during the first three years of engineering training by considering inventing a device consisting of a wireless headset attached to the ears and a camera attached to the glasses, allowing the blind to communicate easily with their surroundings.

He emphasised that the goal of the project is to allow the blind to communicate without the burden of carrying a computer, so the idea was to find a new device that would identify signals and allow additional data to be sent around the perimeter through the headphones installed in the blind’s ears so that he could make the right decision at the right time.

He noted that there are those who worked on the same subject but not to the same specifications as the student team who supervised its framing, noting that there is competition with major companies that have capabilities and resources that they harnessed to the sighted, but today we are discussing glasses for the unsighted.

Tunisian students create smart glasses to let blind people communicate.

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