Record more than 600 cases of sexual assault in the Catholic Church in Italy

Record more than 600 cases of sexual assault in the Catholic Church in Italy

Giuseppe Baturi, Secretary -General of the Italian Bishops Conference in Rome, said today, Thursday, that the Italian Catholic Church has collected 613 files on cases of sexual violations over the past two decades.
Baturi explained that the cases were transferred to the doctrine of faith in the Vatican.
He stated that these cases were reports of victims or files on the alleged perpetrators with multiple victims, which is why 613 does not reflect the number of people who were abused.

He said that these cases are among the ones that were already placed in files.
Baturi made these statements at a press conference in which the Italian Bishops Conference presented a report on protecting minors in the church.
This study, which covers the year 2020 and 2021, shows that in these two years 89 alleged victims offered and reported cases such as sexual harassment, sexual intercourse or inappropriate behavior within the church.

The majority of the victims were between 10 and 18 years old at the time of the crime. These issues are current or return to the past. The report said that in addition, 68 alleged perpetrators were reported..

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