The United Nations: The start of the “Safer” tank start early next year

The United Nations: The start of the “Safer” tank start early next year

Al-Madinah News:-The United Nations confirmed, on Wednesday, the start of unloading the floating oil tanks off the western coast of Yemen, early next year.
And the UN assertion came by the UN coordinator in Yemen David Gracelie, during his meeting with Prime Minister Moeen Abdul Malik, in the temporary capital of Aden, in the south of the country, according to the official Yemeni news agency “Saba”.

During the meeting, the developments of the Safar oil reservoir file and what the United Nations implemented so far to avoid the dangerous environmental catastrophe that threatens Yemen and the entire region, said, according to the Yemeni Agency.

According to “Saba” agency, Graceley said: “The implementation of the executing companies and the alternative ship is currently being prepared to start implementation and unloading the Safar tank at the beginning of next year (2023), and the first stage is accomplished.

For his part, the Yemeni Prime Minister stressed “the need to start immediately to unload the Safer reservoir, and to complete the process as soon as possible, especially in light of the completion of the financing gap,” according to “Arabi 21”.

Abdul Malik called on the international community to “put an end to the manipulation of the Houthi militia in this file and not to use a political extortion paper, and the speed of moving to implementing the plan to avoid the imminent catastrophe in the event of oil leakage from the tank. ”
Last September, the United Nations announced that it received adequate financing from donors, to start an emergency to transport oil from the decomposing carrier to a safe ship.

The ownership of the Safer ship belongs to the Yemeni government oil company “Safar for oil production and exploration operations”, as before the outbreak of the war, it was used to store oil from the fields adjacent to the Marib Governorate (central) and export it.
Because it has not undergone maintenance work since 2015, crude oil and escalating gases have become a serious threat to the region, as the ship bears more than 1.

1 million barrels of oil, which makes it vulnerable to leakage, explosion or fire.
The United Nations says the ship “a time bomb may explode at any moment and cause a major environmental disaster that affects several countries. “.

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