Especially annexed Western Ukraine .. Did Poland started dividing its neighbor?

Especially annexed Western Ukraine .. Did Poland started dividing its neighbor?

According to Russian reports and experts, they spoke to “Sky News Arabia”, Poland is implementing a plan to control West Ukraine and divide the country as an attempt to repeat the historical deal with the West after the First World War.
Polish plan features:
Western and Polish media have spoken, over the past days, that Warsaw launched a plan to restore its “historical lands” from Ukraine.

According to the Polish newspaper “Zenic”, in a recent report, Warsaw started implementing the first phase of the plan that includes:
Polish moves preceded the plan:
Russia accuses Poland of an attempt to “include a soft annex” of Ukrainian lands, after their signing last August, an agreement to facilitate the transit of grain shipments through the joint border checkpoints between the two countries.
Poland biased Ukraine and provided it with weapons of $ 1.

6 billion against the Russian attack, and strengthened its logistical and security capabilities to boycott Russia and its most prominent moves:
According to the Ukrainian politician, opposition Elia Kaifa, in previous statements, “part of the Ukrainian lands will be included in the state of Poland soon,” stressing that “work started to establish a line of defense for Western Ukraine.

What is Russia’s evidence about Poland’s plan?
Moscow said, on Monday, that the Polish authorities and the European Union announced:
Last April, the Russian Foreign Ministry revealed that Poland has plans to expand in Ukraine, while Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president, published a map of the division of Ukraine through a plan developed by Poland and two European countries.

As for the Russian intelligence, it revealed last June that Poland’s plan is:
On October 10, Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski announced that his regime has coordinated joint steps with Poland President André Doda to confront Russia after the recent strikes against Kyiv.

On November 9, a member of the Administrative Council in the Zaparujia region, Vladimir Rogouf, spoke about the deployment of military personnel from the Polish regular army and private Polish military companies on the combat business seam in the Kharkif and Donbas region.

What do experts say?
“Any Polish invasion of Ukraine will be contrary to international law, even if it is announced as a peacekeeping mission,” says Dmitry Novikov, the first deputy chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Duma.
As for the Russian political analyst Victor Shogali, he confirmed that the new agreements between Warsaw and Kiev are “a soft annex” from Poland to the western lands of Ukraine.

He adds to the “Sky News Arabia” website, that “Warsaw wants to control 5 Ukrainian regions, and it intends to benefit to a large extent from the conflict to increase its military, political, economic and cultural influence in western Ukraine. ”
For his part, Russian expert Vladimir Igor considered that Poland has historical ambitions in Ukraine, adding to Sky News Arabia that:.

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