Iraqi President: The recent elections did not achieve the aspirations of the Iraqis

Iraqi President: The recent elections did not achieve the aspirations of the Iraqis

The president of Iraq, Barham Salih, acknowledged that the political system is helpless and said, “We must recognise that the events in the country are terrible.”
In a speech, the Iraqi president stated that crises cannot be averted by making merely comments, stressing the courage and responsibility of Muqtada al-decision Sadr’s to put an end to the violence.

The Iraqi president went on to say that the security forces handled the violent episodes appropriately, pointing out that while it is vital for the violent incidents to stop, this does not indicate that the political problem is over.
The president of Iraq stated that what is taking place is the product of a worsening political crisis and warned that the crisis will only get worse if the current political climate is not changed.

The Iraqi president proceeded by saying that the country urgently needs substantial improvements to its political system because the results of the most recent elections fell short of what Iraqis had hoped for.
The president of Iraq stated that the silent majority’s boycott of the elections was retaliation for the political performance and emphasised the necessity for political parties to be open with the populace.

Iraqi President: Iraqis’ hopes were not realised in the most recent elections.

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