Zelinski is accused again: a Russian missile hit Poland

Zelinski is accused again: a Russian missile hit Poland

After his country again denied the Polish lands, accusing Moscow of this, Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski confirmed that the missile that fell in Poland and killed two people was Russian.
“I have no doubt that it is not our missile . . . I think it was a Russian missile, based on our military reports,” Zellinski said in televised comments today, Wednesday.

Zelinski had accused Moscow of hitting a farm in Poland on Tuesday, considering that this behavior is a clear message to the Group of Twenty, “according to” France Press. ”
On the other hand, a US national security spokeswoman said it is clear that the party responsible for the incident is Russia “whatever the result of the final conclusions.

The White House reported that Russia is eventually responsible for the missile, noting at the same time that nothing contradicts the hypothesis that the missile that struck Poland fired from the Ukrainian defenses.
Polish President André Doda announced earlier today that it was “very likely” that the Ukrainian defenses were the source of the missile that fell in Bishivodov, describing the explosion unfortunately.

While the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the wreckage of the missile revealed that it was due to the Ukraine anti -missile defense system.
In turn, France warned against rushing to the conclusion about the source of the missile, considering that determining its type does not necessarily mean determining the party that launched it, especially since several countries have the same type.

Likewise, US President Joe Biden has previously made it clear that preliminary information does not indicate that he was launched by Russia.
While Moscow, of course, denied the targeting of Polish lands, considering those allegations and accusations a “provocation with the aim of escalation.

It is noteworthy that Moscow’s responsibility for this bombing can lead to the activation of the principle of the collective defense of the NATO known as Article 5, according to which an attack on a member of the coalition is considered an attack on everyone, and thus may unleash the start of consultations on a possible military response..

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