World tolerance day .. Celebrations began in 1996 on the 50th holiday of UNESCO

World tolerance day .. Celebrations began in 1996 on the 50th holiday of UNESCO

The world celebrates the International Day of Tolerance, which began to celebrate in 1996, when the United Nations General Assembly called on member states to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16, through appropriate activities that head towards both educational institutions and the public.

This procedure came in the wake of the General Assembly declaration in 1993 in 1995 as the United Nations tolerance year and in the General Conference of the UNESCO on November 16, 1995, member states adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and the Plan of Follow -up to the United Nations tolerance year.

On the occasion of the Fifty Day of UNESCO on November 16, 1995, member states have adopted a declaration of principles on tolerance that confirms all the principles that it confirms, that tolerance does not mean indulgence or indifference, but rather is a respect and appreciation of the rich diversity in the cultures of this world, forms of expression and lifestyles that a person adopts, Tolerance recognizes global human rights and the basic freedoms of others.

Since people are diversified in their nature, only tolerance is able to ensure that mixed societies remain in every region of the world.

According to the United Nations website, the declaration determines the issue of tolerance not only as a moral duty, but also as a political and legal condition for individuals, groups and countries as it links the issue of tolerance in the international human rights sukuk that has been placed over the past fifty years, which stresses the importance of states to formulate new legislation when necessary To ensure equality in treatment and equal opportunities for all groups and individuals in society.

The United Nations is committed to strengthening tolerance by strengthening mutual understanding between cultures and peoples, and this lies in the necessity of this commitment in the essence of the United Nations Charter, and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well, and it is more important now than ever before, especially in this era that witnesses increased violent extremism and breadth Conflicts that ignore human life..

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