Washington: The news of rockets in Poland was “very worrying”

Washington: The news of rockets in Poland was “very worrying”

The US State Department said that the news of rockets landing on Poland “is very concerned. ”
In statements to Foreign Ministry’s deputy spokesperson Fazida Patel, in response to a question about the allegations of Russian missiles on a Polish village on the border with Ukraine.
Patel reported that the White House and the US Defense Department “Pentagon” are following the investigation and investigation work in the incident.

Patel added that Foreign Minister Anthony Blinkkin has not yet contacted his Polish counterpart, pointing out that his country will coordinate work with Warsaw in order to collect information about the incident.
He added that his country takes the news received seriously, describing the incident as “very worrying.

The American intelligence had leaked information to the American media that “Russian missiles were falling on Polish lands, killing two people,” but the Pentagon and the White House did not confirm this..

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