Climate activists attack famous 1915 painting at Vienna museum

Climate activists attack famous 1915 painting at Vienna museum

Climate activists attacked a famous painting by artist Gustav Klimt with a black, oily liquid at a museum in Vienna today.
The Last Generation Austria group said they targeted the 1915 work of art to protest their government’s use of fossil energies.
In a video of the incident, which the group posted online, an activist is seen throwing the liquid on the painting, called Death and Life.

One activist was pushed away by a guard at the Leopold Museum, while another glued his hand to the glass protecting the art work.
One of the activists can be heard shouting: “Stop the fossil fuel destruction. We are racing into a climate hell. ”
The art work itself wasn’t damaged.
But the museum’s restoration team said damage to the glass and security framing, as well as to the wall and floor, was “significant”.

The activists succeeded in bringing the liquid inside by hiding it in a hot water bottle under their clothes, local media reported.
The Klimt painting was one of the latest pieces of art to be targeted in Europe by climate activists to draw attention to global warming..

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