Its age is up to 5 thousand years … the most important medical papyri in ancient Egypt

Its age is up to 5 thousand years … the most important medical papyri in ancient Egypt

The Pharaohs have reached very advanced medical practices that confirm their progress in medicine and there are from the papyrus manuscripts of the 13 pharaohs era on medicine, and contain an accurate description of each of the conditions, it also contains prescriptions and drugs for treatment, as well as mentioning the Pardy of the Pink Luxury topics of veterinary therapy.

The translation of Rashid Stone allowed the translation of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions and papers, including ancient Egyptian papyri, including the Eberus Perody, the Edwin Smith Posteria, the Hurst Positive, the London Medical Plu into the and others dating back to 2900 BC.

The beginning with the Edwin Smith papyrus, which was called the name of the merchant, which he bought in 1862, is the oldest known surgery thesis on surgery and the details of the anatomical notes and “examination, diagnosis, treatment and diagnosis” for many diseases and written about 1600 BC, but it is considered a copy of several previous information. The medical in it dates back to before 3000 BC and thus it is seen as an educational guide.

Treatments consist of ointments made of animal, vegetable, fruits or minerals and there is evidence that oral surgery was performed early in the fourth family (2900-2750 BC ).

There is also the Eber Pluant, which was written about 1550 before the miles, 877 recipes for a variety of diseases, some of which include magic treatments, because Egyptian beliefs regarding magic and medicine were often intertwined and also contained documents that reveal awareness of the nature of tumors, as well as instructions on the removal of the tumor.

The Perody of Co’an addresses women’s complaints, including pregnancy problems and dates back to 1800 BC, and it is the oldest medical text that remains of any kind.
There are other documents such as the Hurst Positive, which was followed in 1450 BC, and the Berlin Pluminate dating back to 1200 BC and also provides valuable information on ancient Egyptian medicine..

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