German Foreign Minister: No talks are currently underway with Iran

German Foreign Minister: No talks are currently underway with Iran

German Foreign Minister confirmed, on Tuesday, that Iran violates almost all points of the nuclear agreement, calling on Tehran to allow international inspectors to return to its nuclear sites.
Analina Perbuk, at a joint press conference with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said that there are currently ongoing talks with Iran.
She also added, “The Council of the Atomic Agency Governors will vote tomorrow on a decision calling on Iran to cooperate.

The Agency’s general manager, Rafael Grossi, had previously reported that Iran had not presented anything new during a recent meeting (on November 2) in Vienna on its nuclear program.

However, he pointed out that a technical delegation from the agency will visit Tehran during the next two weeks, after the Iranian authorities agreed to this visit to provide answers that the agency long and its governor’s council had long, regarding the source of the uranium particles that were found in three Iranian sites.

In addition, the German minister touched on the Iranian repression campaign in the face of the popular protests that fell in its second month, and said, “We see brutality by the Iranian regime against the people.

It is noteworthy that since the killing of the 22 -year -old young woman on September 16, three days after she was arrested by the Ethics Police during a visit to Tehran with her younger brother, by claiming violation of the strict dress bases imposed, and the demonstrations did not calm down in Iran and its cities.
Her death has ignited unprecedented protests three years ago, most often advanced by the young segment in the country.

While the security forces violently confronted the protesters, killing hundreds of them. Human Rights Activists announced that 314 demonstrators were killed in the unrest, including 47 minors. At least 14,170 people were arrested, including 392 students, in those protests that came out in 136 cities, town and 134 universities..

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